A Successful Strategy is About Coming Together: CEO Commentary on PSI’s Vision and Strategy

2 November 2023

A good vision requires some cathedral thinking, a willingness to re-imagine the present into a better or even ideal future. It needs to be ambitious as well as attainable. And it needs be aspirational as well as inspirational.

PSI’s vision is a society that appreciates the psychological wellbeing of all. A society that acknowledges the importance of and value of positive mental as well as physical health, is one that invariably is human-centred and rights focused. It’s one that, to use a well-worn and somewhat corny but true turn of phrase, leaves no one behind.  

Visions are what we work towards, and whilst they are of course a destination, they are also a journey, with milestones and speed bumps. We need to deal with what’s in front of us on any given day, manage the fire fighting and the invariable challenges that arise, and navigate an ever-changing terrain. But we need to also always keep our eye on the end goal and the steps that are needed to reach that final destination. Our progress along that journey requires an engaged, diverse and well-supported psychological community. That, is PSI’s remit and the catalyst to delivering on our vision. 

Inclusivity is therefore a PSI imperative. Too often equality, diversity and inclusion are talked about as ideals or aspirations. They should in fact be our normalised expectations, as the hygiene factors of any effective community and society. We know the importance of people feeling visible and heard, but are we cognisant of the many quiet and invisible barriers to inclusivity, that in turn facilitate enduring exclusivity? They are why diversity is so crucial. Not only does diversity add depth and breadth to teams, organisations and ideas, it also assures our longevity, and the sustainability of psychology as a science and PSI as a society, by acting as a beacon for future psychologists.

Diversity is not a singular concept. Nor can it exist in a vacuum. Rather diversity needs to be lived and breathed, and to infiltrate every aspect of an organisation. It needs to be intentional, which is why it is a focus for PSI’s new strategy. We want a more diverse and a more inclusive membership. One that can serve, and indeed is needed if we are to serve, an increasingly diverse Irish population. Diversity and inclusion need be proactively encouraged, and in a meaningful way. They need to be lauded not lip serviced, which means not just sharing, but expanding our space to accommodate all. It won’t happen overnight, and we can’t achieve it on our own. 

An engaged membership is the turnkey to a more diverse membership and a more inclusive membership society. PSI’s growth is double-edged. It can amplify PSI’s and psychology’s reach and influence through its sheer number, but it can also dilute membership communication, interaction and conversation. Our new strategy will therefore prioritise the former and work hard at addressing the latter. As with all strategies and journeys, we won’t always get it right, but we will always seek to get it right. Our Constitution articulates our commitment to our members.  And our vision articulates our social contract with the Irish public. Both will keep us honest and keep us focused.

As PSI approaches a new strategic cycle, we openly and warmly invite our members to share your thoughts, experiences, ideas and challenges. All have a place in the fabric of the new strategy. To quote Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”.



Blog post by Sheena Horgan

Chief Executive Officer

The Psychological Society of Ireland