About Us
Neuropsychology is the study of the relationships between brain processes and cognitive and behavioural phenomena. It deals with how the brain performs the acts of thinking, reasoning and remembering allowing us to function on a day to day basis.
Clinical Neuropsychologists apply an advanced understanding of cognitive and psychological processes to the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and / or rehabilitation of people with neurological, neuropsychiatric, medical or neurodevelopmental conditions.
The Division of Neuropsychology is the body within PSI promoting evidence-based clinical neuropsychological practice and research. The Division was established in September 2009 from the PSI Special Interest Group in Neuropsychology.
Linking with external bodies, the Division promotes development of services and policies, seeking to optimise access to high quality care for people with neurological, neuropsychiatric, medical or neurodevelopmental conditions. The Division is committed to development of structures and guidelines for the continued advancement of Clinical Neuropsychology practice and research nationally.
The Division strives to share high quality training and educational opportunities among its membership with active engagement through various channels.
Contact Us: [email protected]
Dr Nick Kidd & Sonya Gallagher
Dr Neil Austin
Membership Secretary
Dr Tomas Campbell
Ordinary Member
Dr Simone Carton
Ordinary Member
Dr Suvi Dockree
Ordinary Member
Dr Anna Marie Dowling
Ordinary Member
Dr Toni Galligan
Ordinary Member
Dr Norah Jordan
Ordinary member
Lucy O'Brien
Early career representative
Dr Sarah O'Doherty
Ordinary Member
Sean O'Farrell
Early career representative
Dr Andrea Sica
Ordinary Member
Dr Marie Claire O'Brien
Ordinary Member
Membership of the Division of Neuropsychology Psychology
Applicants for membership of the Division of Neuropsychology must hold existing Graduate Membership of the Psychological Society of Ireland.
The Division has two levels of membership:
- Full Membership is intended for practising Clinical Neuropsychologists, and is open to Clinical psychologists, Counselling Psychologists and Educational Psychologists, with either: i) a post-doctoral training in applied clinical neuropsychology AND one year’s subsequent appropriately supervised relevant practice, or ii) four year’s appropriately supervised relevant practice.
- Associate Membership is open to all members of PSI who have an interest in the field. This includes researchers, clinicians working toward full membership or working primarily in other fields as well as students and trainees.
Applications are submitted through the Division webpage. Members receive email invitations to DoN events and other updates.
Full Membership
This category of membership is intended for practising Clinical Neuropsychologists. Applicants must meet the criteria set out in both Part A and Part B below.
Part A:
A postgraduate professional qualification in clinical or counselling psychology recognised by the PSI for the attainment of chartered membership.
A professional qualification in educational psychology recognised by the PSI for the attainment of chartered membership where the psychologist can demonstrate competency in working with adults through education and work history (under Part B of the membership criteria).
Part B: Applicants must meet either one of the following two conditions:
Condition 1
Applicants must hold a post-doctoral practitioner qualification in an area directly relevant to the application of Clinical Neuropsychology (e.g., MSc/Pg. Dip in Applied / Clinical Neuropsychology);
Applicants must have completed at least one years Full Time supervised practice (or part-time equivalent) since completing their Clinical Neuropsychology practitioner qualification, where Clinical Neuropsychology constitutes the majority of that practice;
Condition 2
Applicants must have completed at least four years full-time (or part-time equivalent) clinical experience, where Clinical Neuropsychology constitutes the majority of that clinical practice. This experience must have been gained since completion of their professional clinical qualification and must have been carried out under the supervision of a Practitioner Member of the Division (or a supervisor eligible for this).
Applications for Full Membership must be accompanied by a complete "Summary of Supervised Practice" form in order to be considered by the committee. This form can be downloaded below.
Associate Membership
This category of membership is intended for those with an interest in Neuropsychology. Associate Membership of the Division is open to any Member of the Society who has an interest in the academic or clinical practice of Neuropsychology.